
White tailed eagles are plentiful in and around Paamiut, as well as reindeer and other mammals. Locals have a strong affinity with their town mascot, so many sport teams are named ‘Nattoralik’, which means sea eagle.

Traveling on a cruise ship? Please be aware that our excursions, can only be bought as a part of a packages tour.
Please contact your Cruise company for booking excursions.

The hinterland offers good walks in summer and autumn. In winter it’s the perfect place for cross country skiing, although there are no definite trails.
The town's church is strangely angular and artistic to look at, and it’s located on the river that runs through the city centre.
Paamiut was the former home of Greenland’s National Maritime School.
There are approx. 1,100 inhabitants in the city.

Dog sledding: No

Midnight Sun in the summer: No, but it´s bright 24 hours a day
Northern Lights: Yes, in a dark sky and with suitable atmospheric conditions

Remark: Greenland by Topas do only arrange package tours. If you are visting Paamiut with a cruiseship. Please contact your cruisemanager or a local operator for local tours and excursions.